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push at

  • 21 shove

    1. verb
    (to thrust; to push: I shoved the papers into a drawer; I'm sorry I bumped into you - somebody shoved me; Stop shoving!; He shoved (his way) through the crowd.) grūst; stumt; grūstīties
    2. noun
    (a push: He gave the table a shove.) grūdiens
    * * *
    grūdiens; stumšana, grūšana; spaļi; grūst, stumt

    English-Latvian dictionary > shove

  • 22 barge

    1. noun
    1) (a flat-bottomed boat for carrying goods etc.) barža; liellaiva
    2) (a large power-driven boat.) kuģis (izbraucieniem)
    2. verb
    1) (to move (about) clumsily: He barged about the room.) grīļoties; zvalstīties
    2) (to bump (into): He barged into me.) uzgrūsties (kādam)
    3) ((with in(to)) to push one's way (into) rudely: She barged in without knocking.) iedrāzties (neievērojot pieklājību)
    * * *
    barža, liellaiva; admirāļu kuteris; kuģis; pārvadāt liellaivā; zvalstīties, grīļoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > barge

  • 23 cram

    past tense, past participle crammed - verb
    1) (to fill very full: The drawer was crammed with papers.) piebāzt; pieblīvēt
    2) (to push or force: He crammed food into his mouth.) piestūķēt
    3) (to prepare (someone) in a short time for an examination: He is being crammed for his university entrance exam.) iemācīt; iekalt; sagatavot eksāmenam
    * * *
    pieblīvēt, piebāzt; pieēsties; iemācīties, iekalt; iemācīt; muldēt, melst

    English-Latvian dictionary > cram

  • 24 crush

    1. verb
    1) (to squash by squeezing together etc: The car was crushed between the two trucks.) saspiest; saberzt
    2) (to crease: That material crushes easily.) burzīt; burzīties; gumzīt
    3) (to defeat: He crushed the rebellion.) apspiest; sagraut
    4) (to push, press etc together: We (were) all crushed into the tiny room.) saspiest; saspiesties; spiesties; drūzmēties
    2. noun
    (squeezing or crowding together: There's always a crush in the supermarket on Saturdays.) spiešanās; drūzma
    * * *
    drūzmēšanās, spiešanās; drūzma; sagrāve, trieciens; augļu sula; pārpildīta sanāksme; aizraušanās; sasmalcināt, saberzt, saspiest; spiesties, drūzmēties; izspiest

    English-Latvian dictionary > crush

  • 25 duck

    I verb
    1) (to push briefly under water: They splashed about, ducking each other in the pool.) ienirt; pagrūst (zem ūdens)
    2) (to lower the head suddenly as if to avoid a blow: He ducked as the ball came at him.) izvairīties (no sitiena)
    II plurals - ducks, duck; noun
    1) (a kind of wild or domesticated water-bird with short legs and a broad flat beak.) pīle
    2) (a female duck. See also drake.) pīle
    3) (in cricket, a score of nil by a batsman: He was out for a duck.) (kriketā) nulles rezultāts
    * * *
    pīle; izvairīšanās; buru audekls; ieniršana; drostaliņa; tanks-amfībija; izvairīties; ienirt

    English-Latvian dictionary > duck

  • 26 edge

    [e‹] 1. noun
    1) (the part farthest from the middle of something; a border: Don't put that cup so near the edge of the table - it will fall off; the edge of the lake; the water's edge.) mala
    2) (the cutting side of something sharp, eg a knife or weapon: the edge of the sword.) asmens
    3) (keenness; sharpness: The chocolate took the edge off his hunger.) asums
    2. verb
    1) (to form a border to: a handkerchief edged with lace.) apmalot
    2) (to move or push little by little: He edged his chair nearer to her; She edged her way through the crowd.) virzīt; virzīties; stumt
    - edgy
    - edgily
    - edginess
    - have the edge on/over
    - on edge
    * * *
    apmale, mala; skaldne, šķautne; asmens, asums; kritisks stāvoklis; asināt, trīt; apmalot; apgriezt malas; apcirpt; stumt, virzīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > edge

  • 27 elbow

    ['elbəu] 1. noun
    (the joint where the arm bends: He leant forward on his elbows.) elkonis
    2. verb
    (to push with the elbow: He elbowed his way through the crowd.) izlauzt ceļu (pūlī)
    - at one's elbow
    * * *
    elkonis; parocis; līkums; leņķa gabals, līkums; detektīvs, policists; grūstīties ar elkoņiem

    English-Latvian dictionary > elbow

  • 28 hoist

    [hoist] 1. verb
    1) (to lift (something heavy): he hoisted the sack on to his back; He hoisted the child up on to his shoulders.) pacelt []; uzcelt
    2) (to raise or lift by means of some apparatus, a rope etc: The cargo was hoisted on to the ship: They hoisted the flag.) pacelt; uzvilkt
    2. noun
    1) (an apparatus for lifting usually heavy objects: a luggage hoist.) celtnis; vinča
    2) (a lift or push up: Give me a hoist over this wall, will you!) pacelšana; uzvilkšana
    * * *
    lifts, celtnis; vinča; celt; pacelt; uzvilkt

    English-Latvian dictionary > hoist

  • 29 hustle

    1. verb
    1) (to push quickly and roughly: The man was hustled out of the office.) grūstīt; grūstīties; izgrūst
    2) (to make (someone) act quickly: Don't try to hustle me into making a sudden decision.) steidzināt
    3) ((American) to swindle; to obtain something dishonestly or illegally: to hustle money from old ladies; the car dealer tried to hustle us.) apkrāpt; piekrāpt; izkrāpt
    4) ((American) to sell or earn one's living by illegal means: hustling on the streets; hustle drugs.) spekulēt
    5) ((American) (slang) to work as a prostitute; to solicit clients.) iziet uz paneļa (par prostitūtu), maukot
    2. noun
    (quick and busy activity.) kņada; rosīšanās
    * * *
    kņada; rosīšanās; afēra, mahinācija, spekulācija; uztiepšana; ievilināšana; grūstīt; grūstīties; nodarboties ar afērām; uztiept; ievilināt; nodarboties ar prostitūciju

    English-Latvian dictionary > hustle

  • 30 jog

    past tense, past participle - jogged; verb
    1) (to push, shake or knock gently: He jogged my arm and I spilt my coffee; I have forgotten, but something may jog my memory later on.) piegrūst; pagrūst; piebikstīt
    2) (to travel slowly: The cart jogged along the rough track.) lēni vilkties
    3) (to run at a gentle pace, especially for the sake of exercise: She jogs / goes jogging round the park for half an hour every morning.) lēni skriet
    * * *
    piegrūdiens, dunka; lēni rikši; piegrūst, piebikstīt; lēni rikšot; lēni skriet

    English-Latvian dictionary > jog

  • 31 jostle

    (to push roughly: We were jostled by the crowd; I felt people jostling against me in the dark.) grūstīt; grūstīties
    * * *
    grūdiens; grūstīšanās; grūstīt; grūstīties, spiesties; grābstīties kabatās, līst svešā kabatā

    English-Latvian dictionary > jostle

  • 32 mob

    [mob] 1. noun
    (a noisy, violent or disorderly crowd of people: He was attacked by an angry mob.) pūlis; bars
    2. verb
    ((of a crowd) to surround and push about in a disorderly way: The singer was mobbed by a huge crowd of his fans.) (pūlī) stumdīt, grūstīt
    * * *
    pūlis, bars; zagļu banda; ganāmpulks; drūzmēties; uzbrukt

    English-Latvian dictionary > mob

  • 33 nudge

    1. noun
    (a gentle push usually with the elbow: He gave her a nudge.) piebikstīšana (ar elkoni)
    2. verb
    (to hit gently, usually with the elbow: She nudged him in the ribs.) piebikstīt; iebikstīt
    * * *
    piebikstīšana; piebikstīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > nudge

  • 34 plunge

    1. verb
    1) (to throw oneself down (into deep water etc); to dive: He plunged into the river.) ienirt; iegrimt; mesties (iekšā)
    2) (to push (something) violently or suddenly into: He plunged a knife into the meat.) iegrūst; iedzīt
    2. noun
    (an act of plunging; a dive: He took a plunge into the pool.) ieniršana; iegremdēšanās
    - take the plunge
    * * *
    ieniršana; iegrimšana; iegremdēšana; izrāviens uz priekšu; izrāviens; ienirt; iegrimt; iegremdēt; kristies; mesties; iedzīt, iegrūst; uzsākt; rauties uz priekšu; gareniski šūpoties

    English-Latvian dictionary > plunge

  • 35 poke

    [pəuk] 1. verb
    1) (to push something into; to prod: He poked a stick into the hole; He poked her in the ribs with his elbow.) []bikstīt
    2) (to make (a hole) by doing this: She poked a hole in the sand with her finger.) []bakstīt; []durt
    3) (to (cause to) protrude or project: She poked her head in at the window; His foot was poking out of the blankets.) izbāzt[]; pabāzt[]
    2. noun
    (an act of poking; a prod or nudge: He gave me a poke in the arm.) piebikstīšana; dunka; belziens
    - poky
    - pokey
    - poke about/around
    - poke fun at
    - poke one's nose into
    * * *
    kule, maiss; bikstīšana; piebikstīšana; dunka, belziens; slaists; bikstīt; piebikstīt; iedunkāt, iebelzt; iebāzt, izbāzt

    English-Latvian dictionary > poke

  • 36 pout

    1. verb
    ((of a sulky child etc) to push the lips out as a sign of displeasure.) uzmest lūpu; sabozties
    2. noun
    (this expression of the face.) uzmesta lūpa
    * * *
    sabozies izskats, uzmesta lūpa; sabozties, uzmest lūpu

    English-Latvian dictionary > pout

  • 37 prod

    [prod] 1. past tense, past participle - prodded; verb
    1) (to push with something pointed; to poke: He prodded her arm with his finger.) []bikstīt; iegrūst vieglu dunku
    2) (to urge or encourage: He prodded her into action.) uzmudināt; rosināt
    2. noun
    (an act of prodding: She gave him a prod.) viegls grūdiens
    * * *
    viegls grūdiens, dunka; durstamais, bakstāmais; uzmundrinājums; iegrūst dunku, piebikstīt; bakstīt, durstīt; uzmudināt; uztaustīt

    English-Latvian dictionary > prod

  • 38 stick

    I [stik] past tense, past participle - stuck; verb
    1) (to push (something sharp or pointed) into or through something: She stuck a pin through the papers to hold them together; Stop sticking your elbow into me!) []durt; pārdurt
    2) ((of something pointed) to be pushed into or through something: Two arrows were sticking in his back.) iedurties
    3) (to fasten or be fastened (by glue, gum etc): He licked the flap of the envelope and stuck it down; These labels don't stick very well; He stuck (the broken pieces of) the vase together again; His brothers used to call him Bonzo and the name has stuck.) pielīmēt; pielipt; salipt
    4) (to (cause to) become fixed and unable to move or progress: The car stuck in the mud; The cupboard door has stuck; I'll help you with your arithmetic if you're stuck.) iestrēgt; iestigt; iesprūst
    - sticky
    - stickily
    - stickiness
    - sticking-plaster
    - stick-in-the-mud
    - come to a sticky end
    - stick at
    - stick by
    - stick it out
    - stick out
    - stick one's neck out
    - stick to/with
    - stick together
    - stick up for
    II [stik] noun
    1) (a branch or twig from a tree: They were sent to find sticks for firewood.) žagars
    2) (a long thin piece of wood etc shaped for a special purpose: She always walks with a stick nowadays; a walking-stick / hockey-stick; a drumstick.) svečturi
    3) (a long piece: a stick of rhubarb.) stublājs; garš gabals; stienītis
    - get hold of the wrong end of the stick
    - get the wrong end of the stick
    * * *
    spieķis, nūja; žagars; zizlis; stienītis, gabals; rokturis; stulbenis; mēbeles; sērija; masts; liknis; iedurt; pielīmēt; pielipt; uzturēties, palikt; iestrēgt; izbāzt; nobāzt, iebāzt; paciest, izturēt; atbalstīt ar kociņu

    English-Latvian dictionary > stick

  • 39 telescope

    ['teliskəup] 1. noun
    (a kind of tube containing lenses through which distant objects appear closer: He looked at the ship through his telescope.) teleskops
    2. verb
    (to push or be pushed together so that one part slides inside another, like the parts of a closing telescope: The crash telescoped the railway coaches.) sastumt (vienu otrā); sabīdīt; ietriekt
    - teletext
    * * *
    teleskops; optisks tēmeklis; sabīdīt, salikt; ietriekties, sadurties

    English-Latvian dictionary > telescope

  • 40 thimble

    (a kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing.) uzpirkstenis
    * * *
    uzpirkstenis; uzgalis

    English-Latvian dictionary > thimble

См. также в других словарях:

  • Push — is a verb, meaning to apply a force to (an object) such that it moves away from the person or thing applying the force . It may also refer to:In arts and media: * Push (song), by Matchbox Twenty * Push (Enrique Iglesias song), Enrique Iglesias… …   Wikipedia

  • Push It — «Push It» Сингл Static X из альбома Wisconsin Death Trip …   Википедия

  • push — ► VERB 1) exert force on (someone or something) so as to move them away from oneself or from the source of the force. 2) move (one s body or a part of it) forcefully into a specified position. 3) move forward by using force. 4) drive oneself or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Push — 〈[pụʃ] m.; (e)s, es [ ʃız]〉 oV Pusch 1. 〈fig.; umg.〉 (nachdrückliche) Unterstützung eines Produktes od. einer Person durch Werbemaßnahmen, Nutzen von Beziehungen usw. 2. 〈Sp.; Golf〉 Schlag, der den Ball zu weit in die der Schlaghand… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Push It — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Push It» Sencillo de Garbage del álbum Version 2.0 Lado B Lick the Pavement Thirteen Publicación 16 de marzo/28 de marzo, 1998 (Airplay) …   Wikipedia Español

  • push — vb Push, shove, thrust, propel mean to use force upon a thing so as to make it move ahead or aside. Push implies the application of force by a body (as a person) already in contact with the body to be moved onward, aside, or out of the way {push… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • push — (v.) c.1300, from O.Fr. poulser, from L. pulsare to beat, strike, push, frequentative of pellere (pp. pulsus) to push, drive, beat (see PULSE (Cf. pulse) (1)). The noun is first recorded 1570. Meaning approach a certain age is from 1937. Meaning… …   Etymology dictionary

  • push — push; push·er; push·ful; push·ful·ly; push·ful·ness; push·i·ly; push·i·ness; push·ing·ly; push·ing·ness; push·mo·bile; si·yakh·push; …   English syllables

  • Push — Push, n. 1. A thrust with a pointed instrument, or with the end of a thing. [1913 Webster] 2. Any thrust. pressure, impulse, or force, or force applied; a shove; as, to give the ball the first push. [1913 Webster] 3. An assault or attack; an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Push — Push, v. i. 1. To make a thrust; to shove; as, to push with the horns or with a sword. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To make an advance, attack, or effort; to be energetic; as, a man must push in order to succeed. [1913 Webster] At the time of the end… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Push — Push, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pushed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Pushing}.] [OE. possen, pussen, F. pousser, fr. L. pulsare, v. intens. fr. pellere, pulsum, to beat, knock, push. See {Pulse} a beating, and cf. {Pursy}.] 1. To press against with force; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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